I feel like his character is grossly underdeveloped and it's a huge oversight on the mangaka's part. I'm actually more unsettled now by Narumi's blind love for her out of some Oedipus complex that he's either incapable or unwilling to face/overcome. I liked the ending, seems like there was character growth for Mugi and Hanabi, and even Akane which I didn't expect (but all things considered, she's the most self-aware and experimental out of all the characters, so it's not inconceivable that her wanton self-exploration might someday lead her to finally fulfill what it is that she's been looking for). The best thing is that they both moved on with their lives. Well, the whole thing was a mess, so I wouldn't wish for Mugi and Hanabi to be together and have a happy ending. Hanabi was ready to start a new chapter in her life with Mugi but things didn't go the way she expected. If Akane rejected him that night, maybe things would have been different between him and Hanabi but I guess it shows that it wasn't meant to be. He did and he felt guilty for leaving her alone but his desire and love for Akane was much stronger. I'm not saying that he didn't care for her. He and Akane not working out doesn't mean that he should go back to Hanabi. I'm not saying he was bad but he wasn't in love with Hanabi. She was just someone he was fooling around with as a replacement for the one he loves. Mugi was in love with Akane and so Hanabi wasn't in his mind. Yes, Mugi did send a text to Hanabi the next morning but saying sorry with a text shows that he didn't really care to talk to her. I, for one, would not be happy to be with a man who stood me up because he was busy having sex with another woman and what's more, a man who did not contact me since then. I'm sure anyone in Hanabi's shoes wouldn't want to be a replacement for someone else. I don't think Mugi going back to Hanabi after his relationship with Akane ended is the answer. So I guess Mugi/Hanabi shippers are salty that the manga ended this way? I think it's the most suitable ending for such a series.